IQAC YEAR PLAN 2012-2013


JUNE 2012:                1) HEPSN:      (i)         Identification of differently-abled students

                                                            (ii)        Awareness programme on HEPSN

JULY 2012:                1) Discipline Sub-Committee:

  1. Leadership Training for Students Union

August 2012:              1) IT Cell:        (i)         Organize IT Month

(ii) Awareness Campaign for the following cells:

  1. Career and Counselling Cell
  2. Grievance Redressal  and Complaint Cell
  3. Equal Opportunity Cell

NOTE: College Week – 20th to 25th August 2012.

September 2012:         1) Career and Counselling Cell:

  1. Programme on Career Guidance for 1st Semester students.

            2) Academic Interaction Cell:

(i)         Orientation programme for students on ‘Manners and Etiquettes’.

NOTE: a) Internal Examination – 3rd to 7th September 2012

            b)University Sports Week – 17th to 21st September 2012.

October 2012:                         1) Prevention against Sexual Harassment Cell:

  1. Seminar on ‘Sexual Harassment’

NOTE: End Semester examination – 17th October to 4th November 2012.

NOVEMBER 2012:   1) Research Promotion Cell

  1. Seminar on ‘Research Methodology’.

2) Cultural Cub

            (i)         Observation of ‘Cultural Day’

DECEMBER 2012:    1) HEPSN:

  1. Seminar on ‘Disability’.

2) Academic Interaction Cell:

(i)         Inter-departmental seminar